Science Year

Science Year 2023 – Our Universe

During Science Year 2023 – Our Universe, researchers, policy-makers and civil society will be looking into outer space from a wide variety of perspectives ... and back again to planet Earth. Whether it is exhibitions, school campaigns or interactive programmes – everyone, young or old, is invited to engage in exciting discussions with academics and researchers during Science Year 2023.

Consideration is given not only to humankind’s age-old questions about being and meaning but also to current scientific findings of space research and the humanities and natural science disciplines supporting it. The many perspectives will span the full spectrum from the very beginning of the universe right through to the pressing issues of our time such as climate change, environmental protection and the development of new sources of energy. Science Year 2023 will shed light on major issues related to the universe by bringing together different research areas and disciplines.

More information on the current Science Year at

Los geht’s! Trailer zum Wissenschaftsjahr 2023!

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2023 Wissenschaft im Dialog